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Take your path to your inner jouney

Your Journey: Re.Connect Project

I'm Renata Coelho and I created the Re.Connect Project to help women reconnect with themselves through different ways of self-awareness, so that they can overcome their challenges, have a more fulfilled life and achieve their dreams.

In the past couple of years, I've been working with women around the world helping them to organize their routines in order to create more time for themselves and balance in their lives - but this is just the "entry door"...

I have a mission here. Getting you to this door so you can go deeper in your self-awareness and reconnect with your true self. Reconnect with your desires. Reconnect with your life purpose and values.

If you are ready to go deeper in this journey, I'll be here to support you and take your life to the next level - that level that you are balanced, fulfilled and in harmony in all different areas. Are you ready for this?​

Why Wellness Coaching?

Coaching is a deep self-knowledge process that supports women to achieve their optimal well-being, by developing and sustaining behaviours, habits and mindset. This is a journey of self-discover, self-awareness and I am here to support you to get where you want.


We will figure out together the changes that work for YOU - respecting your limits, routine, your essence and always focusing on your strengths. Thereafter, all positive changes will not only come naturally but also will make you happy and fulfilled.


Changing behaviour is not easy, and most people don’t know how to do it successfully. Many want to focus on their health by having a balanced diet, managing stress or just feel more energetic. Despite these important reasons, some people still struggle on figuring out the best way to achieve this.

It is proved that the main cause of several health issues is not genetic, but behavioural – people are making the wrong choices about diet, physical activity, sleep, stress and other lifestyle factors that ultimately impact their lives. 


Other than this, people have been so focused on their body that a highly important area is usually left aside - our mind. Without a balanced mind, most likely you will not have a healthy body either. Being able to manage stress and finding the right strategies to sustain a healthy mind is essential in a so demanding world we live in. 

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

You know what to do. So why you can't achieve what you want? 

We all know that eating poorly, not exercising, not getting enough sleep and engaging in other unhealthy lifestyle habits is not good at all. But many people continue these behaviours anyway, or chase quick fixes that don’t last longer. Furthermore, sometimes poor habits are so incorporated in their lives that they don't even notice these are harming them and it seems there is no solution.


Combining Coaching techniques, Behaviour Change and Positive Psychology, I help clients overcome resistance to change by using a step by step and structured approach. Wellness coaching support clients in working out what they want and why, identifying obstacles and then together we create a plan for action that works for them.


Through this supportive relationship, Wellness Coaches empower their clients with focus on facilitation, rather than prescription. The clients then takes ownership, feel more confident as they experience small successes and ultimately achieve more significant changes than they would on their own.​

What you will benefit from


  • Self-discover and self-awareness

  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Discovering and applying strategies that work for you

  • Learning about your strengths 

  • Weekly personalised goals

  • Achievements that will lead to sustained behaviours

  • Coaching techniques and personalised tools to support you

My mission is to help women to achieve their optimal well-being through self-awareness, routine organization and behaviour changing so that they can have a healthy and balanced mind, body and spirit.

Find your ideal program

You can opt for the general Wellness Coaching program, where we can work on different areas of your life such as having a more conscious eating, being more active and / or managing stress - or you can choose a more specific program, depending of what your looking for.

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